Tips for Keeping Your Kitchen Appliances Running Longer

With the warmer weather just around the corner, it's time to make sure you're kitchen is properly maintained so that your cooking appliances last longer and are ready when you need them. In this blog article, we'll talk about 10 important maintenance tips for keeping your kitchen appliances running smoothly for a lot longer!

Why do Appliances Fail?

Many people invest in appliances for the convenience they provide, but often do not take the time to understand how they work or how to keep them running efficiently. Here are a few tips that will help you keep your appliances running longer:

1. Keep Appliances Clean

One of the most common reasons appliances fail is because they become dirty. Make sure to keep all of your appliances clean by using a cleaning product specifically designed for that appliance. This will help to prevent build-up and make it easier to keep them running smoothly.

2. Use Proper Maintenance Procedures

Appliances require specific maintenance procedures in order to ensure longevity and optimal performance. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for regular cleaning, lubricating, and replacing parts as needed. This will help to ensure that your appliance runs smoothly and delivers the level of convenience you desire.

How to Get the Best Use Out of Our Kitchen Appliances

  1. Keep appliances clean and free of dust, dirt, and other debris: Clean all surfaces of appliances with a damp cloth. Use a special kitchen cleaner designed specifically for appliances.
  2. Know the best time to service your appliances: Do not service appliances during hot weather or when they are in use. Late-night service is usually unnecessary.
  3. Get new parts when they're needed: Appliances that are 14 years old or older should be replaced every 5 years. Appliances that are 10 years old or older should be replaced every 7 years.
  4. Avoid using harsh chemicals: Chemicals can damage your appliances and can also cause respiratory problems. Use milder cleaning products that are specifically made for kitchens.

Tips to Avoid Appliance Breakdowns

Keeping your kitchen appliances running longer is important to maintaining a tidy kitchen and saving you time. Here are some tips to help you keep your appliances running smoothly:

• Keep Appliances Clean: Don't forget to clean your appliances regularly! This will keep them working efficiently and prevent potential damage from build-up.

• Use Properly Fit Appliances: Make sure that the appliance you are using is properly fitted for the task you are trying to do. For example, don't put a deep-fat fryer in the oven.

• Proper Cooling: Make sure your appliances are cooled properly before putting them away. This will help to prevent them from overloading and breaking down prematurely.

Tips for Preventing Appliance Breakdowns

One of the most common causes of appliances breaking down is dryer sheets. When you put a dryer sheet in the dryer, it creates a barrier between the clothes and the drum. This reduces the amount of water that can evaporate from the clothes, which can cause them to wear out faster.

To prevent this from happening, always make sure there is enough water in the drum of your dryer. Another way to keep your appliances running longer is to use cold water instead of hot water when you’re washing dishes or doing other laundry. Cold water can help reduce wear and tear on your appliances.

It’s also important to keep your appliances clean. Dirty appliances will break down faster due to all the dirt and particles that are building up on them. To keep your appliances clean, wipe them down with a soft cloth every time you use them.

Running Away From Cords in the Kitchen

There are a few easy tips that you can use to keep your kitchen appliances running longer. The first tip is to run away from cords when possible. When you are in the kitchen, it is easy to get wrapped up in the cord mess and forget about the appliance. By running away from the cords, you will not be tempted to trip over them or pull them out of the wall.

Another way to keep your appliances running longer is by keeping them clean. If your appliances are dirty, they will not work as well and may even break down over time. Cleaning your appliances every week will help keep them running smoothly and last longer.

Finally, consider purchasing an appliance that has a long warranty. This will help if something does happen and you have to replace the appliance quickly. Having a long warranty gives you peace of mind in knowing that you will be able to get a replacement appliance quickly and without having to pay too much money.

Tools and Materials for Repairing Appliances

Keeping your kitchen appliances running longer can be a hassle, but with a few simple tools and materials, it's easy to get them back in business. Here are some tips for fixing appliances:

1. Have the right tools and materials on hand. Many appliances require special tools and parts that are not usually found in regular stores. Make sure you have the right tools before you start repairing anything!

2. Make sure the appliance is properly connected. Most accidents happen when something is not connected correctly. Check to see if all of the wires and connections are intact before starting to work on the appliance.

3. Follow the steps carefully. When repairing an appliance, it's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. Making a mistake can cause damage that may not be fixable.

4. Disconnect power before working on an appliance. Never try to repair an appliance without first disabling the power first! This will help avoid accidental electricity shocks and fires.


Keeping your kitchen appliances running longer can be a challenge, but with the help of a few simple tips you should be able to avoid many common problems. Remember to regularly clean all of your appliance surfaces, give them proper maintenance (i.e. Oil Change intervals), and store them properly so that they don’t freeze or get wet. By following these simple rules you can ensure that your appliances will last long enough for you to reap their benefits!

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